Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Proponent of "O"

It baffles me the nerve of people’s intentions of tainting someone, an intellectual-Harvard scholar who accomplished more for this country than other individual ever in office. The 44Th and current president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama II, had proposed key promises and did not defy them. For starters, he projected an expansion of health care insurance and come March of 2010, the bill was passed. His triumph didn't bring down the curtain yet. Later, he proclaimed the war in Iraq and Afghanistan come to a sunset. In result, troops revert home in time for the holidays.
The Gulf of Mexico experienced some turmoil when an eruption demolished the offshore drilling rig. Obama took action by introducing safety standards and becoming more active of reshaping this area to a solid foundation.
When the Honolulu native broadcasted the death of Osama Bin Laden on May of last year, America was more than enthused. Ecstatic celebrations cropped up outside the White House and crowds congregated in the streets of the New York, Times Square and Ground Zero where the terrible calamity of 9/11 smoked. DNA testing heralded the body and surely exempt the menace corpse to sea.
Although, the unemployment rates stands at a summit, Obama has not reached an impasse. Nevertheless, given time he will find middle grounds breaking the deadlocks.
So, when asked who would make a better candidate to guide this country… Romney? Gingrich? Santorum? I’d pronounce Obama sustain his slot another four consecutive years. His rivals running have zilch to offer to the table and ideas will fold under pressure. Unsuccessfully, they challenge to sweep up dirt on the president, when in retrospect have more filth deeper than a cadaver 6 feet under! May the best man win, “O” that is!
Why would he leave us with a cliffhanger ?!

Holding fast to my CHANGE pin

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