Saturday, January 28, 2012

Compensation for Sunken Wreck

Prior to boarding the Costa Concordia, the 4,200 passengers could not imagine their exhilarating cruise trip transitioning into an unwanted nightmare. Shamefully, that is what transpired January 13, 2012 when this ship crashed causing it to sunk off the coast of Italy. My first question is, where was the captain during the time of the crash? Frolicking with a female somewhere? Drunk? Since, he is the one to hold culpable for this tragic mishap, police placed the captain behind bars.
Meanwhile, a reimbursement of $14,460 was assigned to the suffered passengers for their lost possessions and distraught. Also, travel and cruise expenses will be rewarded to the surviving members.
Divers are exploring for the remaining absent people, but because of the depth, the darkness is being a deterrent to their quest. Therefore, searchers must "feel" for lost individuals, making this an even more sluggish process. The Costa Concordia constitutes of 17 floors and people are in fact inside, so the question is WHERE? 16 have been confirmed dead and 19 missing. I hope the remaining survivors recuperate mentally and physically, because anyone would be terrified of this remembrance.

Coincidentally, my brother will soon be affiliated with the Disney Cruise ship as one of their employees. I told him this is no jinx, however stay alarmed.

Ever since watching the movie Titanic, from that moment I have always been a cynic of cruise rides. I know this happens once in a blue moon, but I shunned from the urge to venture on something of this sort. Although, NEVER SAY NEVER!

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