Friday, March 16, 2012

Copycat "X's" Minor

A jamboree mimics the galloped house party of the century thrown in film “Project X”, but spirals out of control finishing with a teen dead.  
Some paint the portrait as "fun and epic", and others now sting it as "treacherous".

Since, moviegoers were amazed with the ostentatious jam-packed bash, many over the country attempted duplicates to impersonate an “identical twin". A Houston native let the cat out the bag when word scattered over a social network, riding the planned gathering. It only takes one and later, a herd of approximately 500-1000 youngsters hastened to smear the guest list. After a huge disturbance, police arrived at the overloaded setting to end the festivities and while departing, things turned ugly. Reportedly, fights emitted and the violence transferred to a raucous bullet, shot at the cranium.
 Gunfire empowered in the streets and clasped the early life of a teenaged boy.

 The house got pretty full. You could barely move around", claims Daniel Menjivara (an attendee of the party). He appeared ambivalent of joining, as he belonged to a discrete age loop.

The director Nima Nourizadeh guilty for Project X spoke out uttering, "It's an R-rated movie. It all depends on the individual whether you take inspiration from it." 
AMEN! I cannot concur more with her testimonial! Things may look fun, but the "eye" is sometimes betrayal.

In terms of endearment, prior to the movie beginning, was there not a “What you are about to watch, should not be tried at home” message? A small technicality can do so much. Or not!

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